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Aap leader Sanjay Singh hits out at the BJP over one nation one Election

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    aap leader sanjay singh hits out at bjp over one nation one election
    Aap leader sanjay singh 

    Bhartiya Janata party appears to be fulfilling its one more promise.One nation one Election was one of key promises of BJP's manifesto. The report of high level committee that was headed by former president ram nath kovind has been to union cabinet.

    Aap leader hits out at BJP over one nation, one Election 

    Speaking to media aap leader and rajya sabha member Sanjay Singh criticized bjp for one nation one Election.

    When he was asked cabinet has passed the proposal for one nation one Election and How does aap see it.

    He said,Bjp is a one nation one corruption and  one nation one commission party. They have broken all the records of corruption and want to impose dictatorship on the country.The BJP knows how to leverage opposition parties' compulsion in the election 

    Why aap not support One nation one Election 

    Putting his party's vision against the one nation one Election,He once again raised the issue of Three farm laws.Had UP's assembly elections not neared Modi government would have not taken back those ones.

    If elections didn't happen again and again, Prices of cylinder,diesel and petrol would not fluctuate.Our leader Arvind Kejriwal has already clarified that without repeated election politicians get carefree so to make them accountable repeated elections are necessary.

    When he was asked  a question regarding the expenditure in conventional Election process. he answered Bjp fooling the people ,Citing nirav modi' scam of twenty thousand crores he claimed india could go to polls five times in that money.

    We talk of one nation one Education , one nation one health system .one nation one Election is an attempt to disregard baba sahab bheemrao ambedkar's Constitution.Pm modi will commit land and assets to Adani so that no one could ask questions to him for next five years.

    He claimed BJP has forgiven the debt of  three lakh fourty-three thousand crores of 43 companies.

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